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Hi! I'm Dave Reed

This thing last week was amazing!

I truly believe this.

I came across this Tweet yesterday, and yes I will still call it a Tweet because what else am I supposed to call it? I guess a post, but it just doesn't have the same connotation. OK, getting off topic.

What do you want for your child?

When you envision their future, what do you envision?

We can all see the strengths in our children, but ultimately they have to find their path to make themselves happy.

The current education system isn't truly about doing that no matter what they say.

The current system was designed to create obedience and help people find how they can become a cog in the machine.

I don't want my kids to become cogs.

I want my kids to become the machine.

I even designed a t-shirt with that saying a while back if you're at all interested. If you are interested, respond to this and I'll let you know how to order one.

It's that time of the week! It's MAKER Monday! Every week, we'll share things about things we or others have made, interesting artistic creations, fun new knowledge, education in the maker community, and leave you with a weekly challenge!

Monday Maker Magic:

This week I'm going to focus on a different type of maker.

Last Thursday my son and I went to a baseball game. It wasn't just any baseball game. We went to see the Savannah Bananas.

If you're not familiar with them, the Savannah Bananas have become increasingly popular over the course of the last few years. Think Harlem Globetrotters but baseball. And a lot more fun.

It was probably the best experience I have ever had at a sporting event and I spent 3 hours laughing and smiling at all of the antics and theatrics they put together.

The owner, Jesse Cole, has created something incredibly unique.

His motto is Fans First, and he even named his business Fans First Entertainment.

If you have a chance, I recommend you go see them.

Artistry in Action (Artist Spotlight):

Who doesn't love a Kazoo?

My wife. And probably many of you as many of you are mothers and wives too.

Mothers and wives of loud children and husbands.

Shout out to my fellow loud husbands!

I on the other hand, and my children, LOVE kazoos!

I had an idea for a small startup selling kazoos on Etsy a few years ago but didn't follow through. I may need to revisit that.

I just realized how I can do it and where I had problems last time.

Getting off topic again.

Anyways, I was scrolling Facebook and came across this guide about how someone used Tinkercad to create kazoos.

My favorite part was that they made them so they could go kazoo caroling with a bunch of friends at Christmas!

That sounds both obnoxious and amazing!

I am setting a reminder on my phone to put together a kazoo caroling band next Christmas season.

If you're still around then, I'll let you know how it goes!

Knowledge Nuggets:

Today is President's Day!

One of my favorite things I have discovered recently is the Smithsonian Institute has a 3D scan archive.

There are things like Lincoln's life mask, a bust of George Washington, and a "peace medal" with a portrait of Andrew Jackson.

That last one is a little controversial, but teaching controversy is a good thing.

Not to mention, we need to stop reducing every person to their least desirable trait or act.

Here's a link to the page with presidential memorabilia!

Education Exchange:

I came across this last week and it was really inspiring.

Some students had a teacher who uses a cane and designed a stand for it that attaches to it.

Apparently the teacher's cane was always falling over, so using Tinkercad and Fusion360, they designed and 3D printed this cane stand.

Rise to the Challenge (Weekly Challenge):

This week's challenge is to find and make a musical instrument. Maybe a kazoo!

There are a lot of flutes and kazoos on Thingiverse and Printables, so maybe start there.

You don't have to use a 3D printer, maybe make something unique out of what you have on hand and share it in our Facebook group!

Thank you Reader for joining us this week on our making journey! If you have anything to add or you want to share what you've been working on, please don't hesitate to respond!

Please share this with your friends and help us grow our maker community! If you haven't already, like our Facebook Page and join our Facebook group, Homeschool Makers and 3D Printing Enthusiasts!

Now get out there and create something amazing!

Hi! I'm Dave Reed

Your kids are amazing! My kids are amazing! And every one of them has the potential for genius inside of them. I have a passion for learning and I want everyone to develop that passion. Unfortunately, many are left with a distaste and distrust for learning due to our education system. Learning is not a one size fits all approach and many children will never succeed in the traditional environment. I didn't and carried that weight for a long time. Luckily, I found a passion for learning on my own, but many aren't so fortunate. I have been many things in my life. I have been a chef, middle school math educator, handyman, and entrepreneur. I love making things and working with my hands and I believe a lot of the kids who don't succeed in school can find their passion in the same way. I know when I was in school, a career working with your hands was discouraged. I was always told I was smart, but I hated sitting still in class all day. In addition to everything else, I am a functional medicine health coach with a passion for quality food, health, and community building.

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